imploimint. ai haz it.

I had my interview at the AWARE shelter today, which was just an overall wierd experience. She called later and asked if I could come in tomorrow to start the paperwork and be at the weekly staff meeting. I'm a Shelter Advocate and I'm going to start out with a lot of third shifts (Midnight to 8 am).

I finally have something to do and I'm not going to be sitting around on my ass anymore. I should be thrilled, right? But I think part of me didn't want the job because it would have given me a good excuse to run away to Arizona or Alaska for adventurous but low-paying jobs.

I was thrilled about the possibility of this job before- why did that feeling vanish?

What I'm Looking For- Brendan Benson
Well I don't know what I'm looking for
But I know that I just want to look some more
And I won't be satisfied
'Till there's nothing left that I haven't tried

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