
I'm not used to being able to remember my dreams. There was rarely a day that I could say that I had gotten a healthy amount of sleep the night before and as such I always slept in until the last minute, when I would then sprint through my morning shower. 

When my friends started the new semester, I started drifting on a sea of restlessness and anxiety. Honestly, I'm fustrated with myself and my self-esteem has been the lowest it has ever been in the last 3 years. I can only think of one up-side to my situation. As Harry says in When Harry Met Sally, "The good thing about depression is that you get plenty of rest." Because I've been waking up without an alarm clock everyday I'm remembering my dreams vividly, which is somewhat of a new experience for me. 

So without further adieu, a list of my dreams: (which unlike Harry, thankfully don't include a dream of my mother as an East German judge scoring my lovemaking abilities at the Olympics).

1. My AB group and I were at a restaurant and were all wearing formal gowns and tuxes. It was awesome to be dressed up. I wanted to order chicken cordoun bleu. I was annoyed that it wasn't on the menu, but there was an option in which I could get 19 spices of my choice on my chicken. I decided to go with that, but I didn't know 19 spices...so I had the waiter pick the spices and then the wine for me. 

2. I was at a halloween festival (or something- maybe a renissance fair?...either way, there were costumes) w/ my AB pals. I ran into and hung out with a friend from work at home. A 12-year old fortune teller told my fortune from a deck of tarot cards and even though what she said ran true and scared me, I declared that it was bullshit. When I got back to my group they had made a game which involved running and knocking blocks down. I didn't understand the rules and despite the fact that I asked what they were many times nobody would tell me. (Now that I live 2 and 1/2 hours away from these amazing new friends, you don't need to be a psychoanaylist to guess which fear of mine this reflects). The next part of the dream involved an AB pal's tongue down another's throat and is an image I don't enjoy picturing. 

3. I think another involved chicken too. 

I guess just because I remember them for the half hour after I wake up, it apparently is no gaurentee that I will remember them when I go to write them down. 

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